Treatment Options

Our approach is to keep one question in mind: “What would we do for our own child”

Hearing the words “Your child has a cavity” may make you feel like you have failed as a parent, but be easy on yourself because sometimes tooth decay can occur despite proper hygiene.

Local Anesthetic (Numbing)

When it is necessary to numb an area, our office specializes in using distracting techniques to make it the most comfortable experience possible. First, a topical anesthetic (jelly) will be rubbed over the area to reduce the sensation of the injection. We take great care to keep our tools out of the view of the patient and engage in fun conversation to remove the focus from the procedure being performed. These techniques, combined with the use of nitrous oxide (laughing gas), typically make the experience easy and most children do not realize what is being done!

Local Anesthetic (Numbing)

Resin Fillings

Resin (white) and Amalgam (silver) Fillings

If your child has a cavity, we may recommend either a white or a silver filling, depending on where the tooth is located and/or how large the cavity is. Resin fillings are typically the material of choice unless the decay is too large and a stronger material, such as amalgam, is needed to withstand biting forces. We value your opinion in the selection of filling material and encourage parents to discuss the options with us! Our treatment philosophy is to work together to determine the best option to fit your child’s specific needs.

Resin (white) Crowns

If your child had large decay or a fracture on a front tooth, we may recommend a resin crown to cover the entire tooth structure. Resin is a moldable material and is available in many shades allowing us to custom match the natural tooth color. While resin crowns are aesthetically pleasing, they do have the tendency to stain and discolor and can fracture or break over time. For this reason, they are recommended only for front teeth and special care is recommended to prolong the longevity of the filling.

Resin tooth

Stainless Steel Crown

Stainless Steel (silver) Crowns

A stainless steel crown is a prefabricated SILVER crown that covers the entire visible portion of the tooth. Stainless steel crowns (silver caps) are incredibly durable and the favored choice for restoring back teeth when a large portion of the tooth is lost due to extensive decay or a fracture. Stainless steel crowns are extremely durable and can sustain normal biting forces and are fairly well hidden because they are located in the back of the mouth.


Baby teeth are small, and sometimes a cavity can be large enough that the bacteria extends deep into the tooth and reaches the pulp, or the tooth’s nerve. Infection of the tooth’s pulp requires pulp therapy in order to prevent the spread of infection. A pulpotomy is the partial removal of the nerve tissue, followed by placing a sedative material to help soothe the tooth and seal the remaining exposed nerve. The tooth is then restored with a stainless steel crown, covering the remaining tooth structure and providing strength to withhold biting forces.




An extraction is often indicated for a tooth with decay too large to restore, if the tooth has an abscess, or certain traumatic injuries. Sometimes it may indicated to extract a permanent tooth prior to orthodontic treatment. We perform both baby tooth extractions and simple extractions of permanent teeth if indicated.

Space Maintainers

Primary (baby) teeth are important for holding space for the un-erupted permanent tooth. When a primary molar tooth is lost prematurely, the neighboring teeth may tip or drift into the space, leaving little or no space for the permanent tooth to erupt. A space maintainer is recommended to help preserve the space and prevent this from happening. There are several different types of space maintainers, and they are custom made to fit your child’s mouth. Once placed, permanent tooth eruption will be monitored and the spacer will be removed when needed; therefore, it is important for your child to follow up with us for routine check-ups. Space maintainers are unnecessary for premature loss of front teeth.

Space Maintainers

Image of a smiling Tooth

"Dr. Ana never ceases to amaze us with the genuine love, understanding and care that she shows all of our children. We would never go anywhere else for dental care for our kids. I’m pretty sure they broke the mold after Fishers Pediatric Dentistry opened. Can’t say enough good things about all of you! Thank you for all you that do for our children!"

- Laura A.